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eMCP embedded multi chip package (eMMC + Multi Chip Package), Memory Multiple Chip Package (MCP) stacks multiple chips into a single package, offering increased spatial density and performance benefits, while reducing overall power consumption. This enables designers to pack more functionality into a smaller form factor, facilitating the development of smaller electronic devices.
JSCJeju Semiconductor is one of the world largest SRAM solutions provider for mobile applications
Since Jeju Semiconductor made a debut to the SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) market in 2001 with 4M SRAM, Jeju Semiconductor continued implementing full lineup of low power SRAM products through 1M, 2M, 4M to 8M SRAM.
Jeju Semiconductor's SRAM is built on robust 6-transistor memory cell technology that enables fast access time at very low power consumption. Jeju Semiconductor's SRAM products have been recognized as the most robust low power memory solutions that can steadily operates under any rigor of the environment a mobile cellular handset may go through. Jeju Semiconductor has been recognized by world leading cellular handset manufacturer as one of the most reliable SRAM manufacturers. In addition to the handheld mobile applications, Jeju Semiconductor provides SRAM products for the entirety of SRAM applications over the world. 
Density Part number DRAM eMMC Speed Package Type NAND Type Download
8Gb + 2Gb JSMPGB1BA1HYAABD-H418 LPDDR2 1CS eMMC 5.0 HS400 162B (11.5mm x 13mm) MLC NULL
8Gb + 2Gb JSMPGC1GA1HYAABD-H418 LPDDR2 1CS eMMC 5.0 HS400 162B (11.5mm x 13mm) MLC NULL
4Gb + 2Gb JSMPFB1BD1AVAABD-H418 LPDDR2 1CS eMMC 5.0 HS400 162B (11.5mm x 13mm) TLC NULL
4Gb + 2Gb JSMPFC1GD1AVAABD-H418 LPDDR2 1CS eMMC 5.0 HS400 162B (11.5mm x 13mm) TLC NULL